Paul Hill is a Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, P.T.S.D. reliever and Mental Health First Aider living and working in Southampton, using various techniques to
passionately facilitate often life-altering changes to his clients’ perspectives of themselves and the world they inhabit. Carefully crafted language and positiveÂ
affirmations form the solid foundation of his client centred practice.
Through his businesses, 'Everyday Hypnotherapy' he works with an array of individuals and provides coaching and training to corporations. Throughout his life Paul has also experienced highs and lows. He knows how the challenges your own perception can cause, and he has seen how "not achieving" can affect a person. Paul loves to see that moment when he helps people to release these thought patterns and watch them move forward in a more positive and productive way. He believes in positivity and never judges those he works with.